Sunday, February 17, 2008

Home Is Where My Heart Is

Many of my clients, trying to get to know their latest, newfound yarn source a bit better, question what it is like in my house. I cannot imagine my home life being any more unique than the next person, but when forced to describe who I am and why I do what I do, I find it is all relative, or perhaps cumulative.

My house is without a doubt full of life and when I divulge my routine I’m told, “How are you able to accomplish so much with that hectic lifestyle?” I suppose hussle and bussle is the engaged gear in my drive train, though I do not feel that I’m busy or rushed in any way. I feel comfortable saying my days are full, enriched, and I do not feel like I’ve neglected anyone or anything.

By anyone or anything I mean my family. A husband and teenage son are the highlight, but not the only show in the limelight. My grandmother shares the spotlight along with the extended family; the four legged, finned, feathered and furry members that manage to weasel their way into my heart.

Three Jack Russell Terriers rule the roost, so everyone thinks, while I know and have accepted it to be truth. The occasional liter of puppies always manages to delight us beyond belief. Three fish, two gold and one angel add little to the chaos factor but certainly contribute to the relaxation aspect. Two Russian Dwarf Hamsters are the source of my son’s enjoyment. Two ravenous turtles never seem to be filled and will cause you to think that they are on the verge of starvation whenever you approach their tank joined the family in the summer of 2007. Not long after the turtles entered the fold, a Severe Macaw called Garth Brooks fell in love with my husband and has decided they shall be mates for life. Just today the bird held me at bay from my husband’s affections with a very formidable beak that I have no interest in challenging.

Last, but certainly not least are the three angora rabbits, the name-sake of this yarn adventure I’ve embarked upon, a passion ignited by my father (whom I’m not ready to write about just yet) that seems to be shared by all the truly lovely people I’ve come to know just because of it. I am delighted to meet every one of you, and humbled that you have shown an interest in me. May we remain life-long fiber friends, connected through the yarn that binds our souls and knits the fabric that warms our hearts.