Saturday, July 12, 2008

2008 Talbot County Fair Rabbit/Cavy Show

My amazingly perfect family took our little Chi Chi to the 25th Annual Talbot County Rabbit and Cavy Show today. Great success was had by all who entered, but more importantly, we learned TONS! We met so many nice people and some very interesting rabbits that we are considered. So rather than bore you with lots of literal details, I'll share some of the photos. Enjoy!

Chi Chi relaxing while waiting for his turn to been judged.

Chi Chi on the judges table waiting for the English Angora Class.

And again waiting to be judged for the Variety Class.

Chi Chi brings home:
1st place English Angora Buck

Champion English Angora Breed

Champion Angora Variety

Here are just a few of the MANY rabbit breeds we enjoyed:

Now that the fun is over, time to get back to spinning!!!!

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