Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring is here!

Well, it's been a while since I've had time or energy to post anything. But if you know me, and most of you do, spring is my time of year; my energy level goes through the roof, sick or not. I've been walking all winter with bursts of trots when the work load was heavy. Now it's the time of year for a full on canter.

Today is my spouse's birthday; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABE! We've spent most of the day making plans for this years garden. Ordered a couple packs of seeds we needed to make it official. Tomato plants were started a month ago, so it seems like things are in order.
Dyed some wool yesterday! (Wonder of wonders, right?) Have some lovely Olde English Babydoll Southdown wool that's screaming to become some pastel colored yarn. Have a couple doctor's appointments this week, so hoping to work some spinning and knitting time in between life's unavoidable occurrences.

All in all, I would say spring is here and I sure am glad for that.

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