Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Three Bunnies Plus One

Have a look at Him, Studmuffin Extraordinaire!

I am Three Bunnies Yarn Co. because I have three angora bunnies; two girls and one boy. They live outside in rabbit condo's skillfully made by a master craftsman (my husband) and they are fenced in to prevent predators from entering their domain. It is a safe and secure way of life that allows my bunnies to be hardier stock.

I handle them daily: feeding watering grooming, etc... The girls are typically uninterested in me, but the male seems to enjoy my attention. You can imagine my surprise on Monday, when I went to feed them. The girls were making sounds like little piglets and they were all over me. I was thrilled! Finally, they too found me interesting!

And then it happened. It all became clear. Something white moved out of the corner of my eye. It was in bunnyville's fenced perimeter, so I could not imagine what it was. And then, quick as a rabbit, it hopped over to me, a Himalayan rabbit. Where he came from, you ask? I have absolutely no idea. But what is even more puzzling is how in the world he got into their impenetrable fenced enclosure! Nonetheless, their he was, and I say he because at the sight of him, my girls balistic behavior intensified ten-fold. Alas, their joy was not for me, it was for him.

And so he is called Him, my Three Bunnies Plus One, newest resident and lady killer.

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